Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The ball is out, sdr Anwar

I don't understand it when a match between Sampras and Federer is made out to be more than it really is. It is just an exhibition match, or mismatch, to be exact. Just because it happens in Kuala Lumpur does not automatically make it spectacular. For sure it will pass for more than mundane, but it is a non event. I ask myself if I am missing the point.

The demonstration orchestrated by the street maestro, Sdr Anwar Ibrahim is a non event of epic proportions and there are plans afoot to manufacture many more. It is his desperate effort to be noticed. Getting to soil the King's hand is simply unMalay.

Surely the best place to champion the cause for a better election process is in Parliament. The rakyat need to be won over by good and clear rhetorics. Truth is self-evident. The rakyat shall judge through the ballot box. Justice will not be served by promoting lawlessness in the streets.

We can perhaps see a time and another place where we need extraordinary means to achieve a just cause. This is not the time. Malaysia is not the place.

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