Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Detached Retina

The retina has to be cut out leaving a hinge. It is then flapped out while the cornea is cut into the desired shape. After that you can throw your glasses away.

An older method of cure was to cut up the retina, much like the way we cut up our favourite pan pizza. I have heard of one who has suffered the ultimate consequence.The only consolation maybe is that the afflicted can now definitely identify an elephant by mere touch alone.

I have visited a few of the famous blogs by Malaysians and the main offerings are about the UMNO meeting; more rantings against almost all those who dare call themselves leaders.

I think it is understandable. Those concerned just want to be heard. The ultimate aim being to get into some position of power. Is that wrong? Their major affliction is foot in mouth disease, not life-threatening but very contagious.

Eventually some of them will achieve their ambition. Some will not. The quality of government will rest with the former and those governed. In essence quality must come from the leaders and the followers. As the saying goes, " the people deserve the leaders they get"

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